Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does learner-led or learner-centered education mean?

The idea behind a learner-led education is that children are much more willing to learn about a topic that interests them. Encouraging students' input in the decision of what to learn is a wonderful way to engage them in the learning process. Within parameters set by the learning guides, learners have the autonomy to choose different topics and projects.

  • Do you offer academic classes for younger grades?

Cara's own kiddo will be in 7th grade in the 24/25 school year so academic classes will be middle school level and higher. Younger learners ages 6 and up are welcome to join our afternoon clubs.

  • Can parents and younger siblings stay during morning academic classes?

Due to the limited space and the nature of an academic class, younger siblings are not permitted to observe and parents are strongly encouraged to drop off their learners. There are several parks within about a ten minute drive and also two nearby libraries, Nanini and Oro Valley, if parents don't wish to drive home but need somewhere to hang out with younger children.

  • Can parents and younger siblings stay during afternoon clubs?

Learners age 6 and up are welcome to sign up for afternoon clubs. Again, due to limited space, parents are encouraged to drop their learners off for the most part, but there will be a sign up sheet to accept 1-2 parent volunteers each week for clubs.